Monday, December 13, 2021

19 Fun Bounce House Games for Your Kid

If you’re looking for ways to keep your kid entertained, a bounce house is a perfect solution! Not only is it a blast for kids of all ages, but there are also plenty of games to keep them occupied.

Looking for some fun bounce house games for your kid? Look no further! We’ve put together a list of our 19 favorites.

These games are sure to keep your little one entertained for hours on end, from races to relays. So grab a bounce house and get ready to have some fun!

Looking for a Bounce House
Here is a list of our recommendations for the Best Indoor Bounce Houses and Best Commercial Bounce Houses.

19 Fun Bounce House Games for Your Kid

1. Freeze bounce

This game is like freeze dance, but with a bounce house! Have your kids jump around to music until the music stops.

When it does, everyone must freeze in place. The last person to stop dancing or moving wins!

This game is great for jumpers of all ages, and it’s easy to play.

2. Race track

This is a great game if you have more than one kid bouncing simultaneously! First, draw two straight lines on the ground using chalk or tape (or use tape with an orange peel).

Next, pit your kids against each other in a race! They’ll have to run to the end of one line, bounce across the middle, then run to the other line.

The first person to make it across (or whoever is fastest) wins!

3. Duck, duck, bounce

This game is perfect for younger kids. All you need is a rubber duck (or any other small toy).

Have your kids stand in a circle and toss the duck to each other. When they catch it, they must say “duck” before bouncing it to the next player.

The player who ends up with the duck loses and is out of the game. Keep playing until there’s only one person left!

4. Bounce house relay

This is a great team-building exercise, as well as a fun bounce house game for kids. Divide your group into two teams and have a parent or other adult set up the four rings in a line.

Next, place two cones on opposite sides of the bounce house. The first person from each team will start by bouncing over to one cone and touching it with their foot before returning to home base (the starting line).

Next, they’ll continue around the circle until they touch every ring. When all four players have finished, that counts as a team’s turn.

The first team to finish wins! Split kids up by age and ability level so everyone can participate and have fun!

5. Bounce dodgeball

This game is just like regular dodgeball, but with a bounce house! Divide players into two teams and stand on opposite sides of the bounce house.

When you say “go”, players must try to catch the ball and throw it at someone on the other team. If they get hit, they’re out!

The last player standing wins for their team!

6. Stackers

This game is a little more challenging than others on this list. All you need is a stack of plastic cups (or any other lightweight item that can be stacked).

Have your kids stand in a circle and hand the cups to the player next to them. They must stack the cups as quickly as possible, then pass them on.

The player who drops or knocks over the cups is out of the game. Play until there’s only one person left!

7. Hide-and-Seek

Have kids hide while you play music in the bounce house. Once it stops, everyone must come out of hiding.

The last person to come out is out of the game. Play until there’s only one player left!

Alternatively, one player hides while everyone else is safely in their own homes. Once it’s time to come out, all players try to find “home” by asking questions like, “Is anyone home?” or “Where are you hiding?” If someone finds the hider, that player becomes it and hides again.

The game ends when everyone is found or a predetermined time has passed.

8. Simon Says

This classic game is perfect for bouncing! Have your kids stand in a circle and have one person start as Simon.

They will give commands like “Jump” or “Bounce”, and everyone else must follow. Have Simon give the commands in a different order for each round of play.

For example, he might say “Jump-bounce-jump” on one turn but then change it by saying “Bounce-jump-bounce” next time. The person who messes up the order is out of the game!

9. Obstacle Course

Bounce house obstacle courses are a great way to get kids moving and having fun! All you need is some tape or chalk (or even just an orange peel) and items like boxes, cones, hula hoops, balls, etc.

Set up the obstacles as needed for the age group. Have your child run through them one at a time after giving each instruction. If they hit or knock over an obstacle, that counts as a “fault”.

The first person to finish without any faults wins.

10. Bounce Him Over

This game is like “Bounce the Ball”, but with a person instead of a ball! Have one player start in the middle of the bounce house and another player stand on the outside.

The player in the middle tries to bounce the other person over to their side. If they succeed, that player becomes it and stands in the middle.

If the player in the middle fails to bounce the other person over, they become it and try again. The game ends when everyone is either on one side or the other!

11. Basket bounce

This game is just like basketball, but with a bounce house! Have players stand at opposite sides of the bounce house and shoot baskets.

If they make it, they get one point. The first player to reach 11 points (or whatever you decide) wins!

12. Tunnel race

This game is perfect for younger kids! Have them race through the tunnels in the bounce house as fast as possible. The first player to finish wins!

13. Ring toss

This game is a great way to get kids interacting with each other. Have everyone stand in a circle around the bounce house and toss rings onto hula hoops or cones.

The first person to finish wins!

14. Game of tag

This game is just like regular tag but in the bounce house! One player is it and tries to tag the other players.

If someone gets tagged, they become it. The last person standing wins!

15. Marco polo

This classic pool game can also be played in the bounce house! Have one player close their eyes and shout “Marco!” while everyone else hides.

The person who is it tries to find the other players by shouting “Polo!” All hidden players must respond with Marco if they hear Polo but remain silent if they hear Marco.

If the player who is it guesses right and tags someone, that person becomes it next!

16. Red light, green light

This fun game is perfect for younger kids! Have all the players start at one end of the bounce house.

One person will be “it,” and another player will be a traffic light. The traffic light stands in front of the entrance to the bouncer, so no one can leave until they permit by saying “green light!”

If the traffic light says “red light,” everyone must freeze and standstill. The person who is it tries to tag players while trying to sneak past the traffic light without getting caught!

17. Alphabet bounce

This game is perfect for teaching the alphabet! Have your kids stand in a circle and bounce on each alphabet letter. If they are bouncing on an “A”, you might say something like this:

Player One: A-Bounce once

Player Two: B-bounce twice

Player Three C-Catch Player One

Player One: D-Dodge Player Two

Depending on what you are teaching, you can make up your own words or phrases for this game! The first player to go through the alphabet wins!

18. Cup stacking

This fun game is perfect for older kids! Have them stack cups as high as possible in the bounce house.

The player who stacks them the highest wins.

19. Bounce, run and tag

This is a fun game for all ages that will get everyone moving! One person starts bouncing and trying to touch cones or tape marks on the ground while another person runs around with a bag of balloons tagging people as they try not to be bounced.

When someone gets tagged, they become it and try to tag the other players. The last person standing wins!


If you are looking for a fun way to entertain your kids, bounce houses are perfect! Bounce house games make the time even more enjoyable, whether inside or outside.

They are a great way to build friendships and have a lot of fun while teaching kids new things. So, what are you waiting for?

Get your bounce house today and start having some fun! Try some of the above games, or invent your own game with your child’s favorite activities.

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