Do you like video games? If so, you’ll love Piko Game. Piko is a Philippine variation of hopscotch, a game that dates back to ancient Rome. The game is played with two or more players, using a small stone or pamato. The object of the game is to toss the Piko into each of the squares without missing it.
If you miss, your opponent gets a chance to take their turn. Read on as I guide you through the rules on how to play the Piko game.
- What is Piko?
- How to Play Piko
- Playing the Game
- Major Piko Game Rules
- How is the Winner Determined?
- Benefits of Piko Game
- It is a fun activity you can do with family and friends
- It is an excellent workout
- It can be played by people of all ages
- Piko game helps improve hand-eye coordination
- Piko game is a great way to relieve stress
- Piko game can be played indoors or outdoors
- Piko game helps improve your motor skills
- You don’t need any tools
- Final Thoughts
What is Piko?
Piko is a game that originated in the Philippines. The game is played with a small stone or pamato.
There are nine boxes or squares drawn on a flat surface. The first player tosses the pamato into the first box and hops on one foot into the next box.
If they miss, their opponent gets a chance to take their turn.
How to Play Piko
What You Will Need
- Two or more players
- A flat play space on the ground
- A pamato/ cueball (this can be anything; a bottle top, a flat piece of stone, etc.)
- A piece of chalk or any other drawing material
Playing the Game
- Preparing the playing space
First, nine boxes will be drawn on the ground. The first box is rectangular, the second is also rectangular.
The third box is rectangular but it is divided in half. The fifth box is also rectangularly followed by the next box which is also rectangular but divided in two.
The box is also rectangular and lastly, there is a curved box. So, in total, there are 9 boxes, each one labeled by the respective number.
- Determining who plays first
There is always a string line drawn across the fifth box. To determine who plays first, each player throws their pamato to the line. The player whose pamato is the closest to the string line goes first.
- Taking Your Turn
When it’s your turn, you will toss your pamato into the first box and hop on one foot into the next box. You can use either leg but you must keep that same leg throughout your whole turn.
If you miss, your opponent gets a chance to take their turn.
Note that you land with both feet on the divided boxes and continue hopping until you land with both feet on the next divided rectangular box.
Once the player reaches box 9, they turn and hope back to the second box. With one foot on the ground, they bend and pick their pamato and jump over box 1 to the starting point.
Next, they throw the pamato to box two and hop to box 1. They then hope over box 2 and continue to play as normal.
Major Piko Game Rules
The Piko game is not very complicated.
However, there are a couple of rules that must be followed in order for the game to be played correctly.
- If you step on or over the line while playing, your turn is void and it goes to your opponent.
- You cannot hop on one foot and then put two feet down in the same box; you must keep hopping on one foot until you reach the next box.
- The pamato must be tossed from behind the line and not in front of it.
- You cannot touch or pick up the pamato while hoping forward; you can only touch or pick it up when you are hoping back.
- You will pick up the pamato when on the box just before where the pamato is. Unless it is a divided box, you have to be on one foot when picking it up.
- You cannot put your pamato on a line; it has to be inside the box.
How is the Winner Determined?
Once a player successfully throws their pamato in each box and hops and jumps back and forth successfully without stepping on any line, they will be required to throw their pamato again backward over their head or shoulders.
This is done just after box 9. The player stands facing away from the boxes and then throws the pamato over their head or shoulders. The pamato will then land in one of the boxes behind them.
Whichever box it lands on, the player writes their name on it and calls it “their home.” No other player is allowed to step on that box. The player with the most homes wins the game.
If the player throws their pamato and it doesn’t land in any box, they will have to give way to the next player who then starts playing from the start.
The game is then repeated until one player has written their name in most of the boxes and named the spaces their homes. That player is the winner.
Benefits of Piko Game
Piko game comes with many benefits:
It is a fun activity you can do with family and friends
Want to have some fun in the backyard with family and friends but don’t want to break the bank? Piko game is perfect for you. It’s a cheap and cheerful way to enjoy some quality time with loved ones.
It is an excellent workout
Piko game is not only great for your mind, but it’s also fantastic for your body. This activity will get your heart pumping and your legs moving, making it an excellent workout.
It can be played by people of all ages
One of the best things about the Piko game is that it can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Whether you’re young or old, this game is sure to get you up and moving.
Piko game helps improve hand-eye coordination
This is especially true for children, but the Piko game can help people of all ages improve their hand-eye coordination. This is because the game requires players to toss the pamato and then hop on one foot into the next box.
Piko game is a great way to relieve stress
If you’re looking for a way to relieve some stress, look no further than the Piko game. This activity is a great way to take your mind off of your worries and have some fun.
Piko game can be played indoors or outdoors
Piko game is a versatile game that can be enjoyed both indoors and outdoors. So, whether you’re looking for a fun indoor activity on a rainy day or an outdoor activity on a sunny day, this game is sure to fit the bill.
Piko game helps improve your motor skills
If you have children and want to engage them in an activity that will help improve their motor skills, the Piko game is a great option. This game requires players to use both their hands and feet, making it an excellent way to help kids develop their motor skills.
You don’t need any tools
You don’t need any special equipment to play the Piko game. All you need is a pamato and flat playing surface and you are set.
Final Thoughts
Piko is an awesome game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It’s a great way to have some fun, get a workout, and even improve your kids’ hand-eye coordination.
So if you have been wondering what is Piko game, hopefully, this article has helped clear things up. We also have other backyard playground games.
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